Sunday, September 23, 2012

Greatest Dream

This photo is not taken by me.

I want to build my own foundation and will call it ISF. I will build a small building to be their home and to be a place where they can stay and do their activities. I will look for people who have a passion and interest in helping kids who barely experience the joy, love, and proper care that they have to on their young age. I will start in a small group probably 5 to 10 kids and from there, I will let them feel grateful and blessed. They will learn good attitude and will know more about God. On weekdays, they will attend class with the volunteer teacher and on weekends, they will play games and fun activities. On Sundays, they will hear mass on our small chapel with a volunteer priest. Also they will learn to play musical instruments with our volunteer musicians, will be guided by our volunteer guidance counselors, will eat healthy dishes by our volunteer cooks, learn to love, respect, and care for other people, and will have them excel on their gifted talents. In a few years, this foundation will grow and will help more children that are in need of love and proper care.

I will put up my own website someday for those people who wants to donate. Once I raise and get a funds, I will definitely start this right away.